David and Naomi
Prayer Letter: May 2018
Dear Praying Friends and Family, Thank you for your prayers in the last month for us. We began going door-to-door in a small village...
David and Naomi
Prayer Letter: March 2018
Dear Praying Friends and Family, Your prayers and support are greatly appreciated. We hope that you all are well and serving our Lord...
David and Naomi
Prayer Letter: February 2018
Dear Praying Friends and Family, Thank you for continuing to pray for us this past month. The Lord has been good to us and the people...
David and Naomi
Prayer Letter: January 2018
Dear Praying Friends and Family, Thank you for praying for us in the last year. We appreciate your prayers and support, and look forward...
David and Naomi
Prayer Letter: December 2017
Dear Praying Friends and Family, We hope that you had a good Christmas time and will have safety and health in the upcoming year. We are...
David and Naomi
Prayer Letter: November 2017
Dear Praying Friends and Family, Thank you for praying for us this month. We pray that you had a good Thanksgiving time and counted the...
David and Naomi
Prayer Letter: October 2017
Dear Praying Friends and Family, Thank you for praying for us and those in Ukraine. We are thankful for your prayers and support. We had...
David and Naomi
Prayer Letter: September 2017
Dear Praying Friends and Family, We pray that you’ve had a good month in the Lord. He’s been good to us here, and allowed us to continue...
King James Bible in Russian
If you would like information about the King James Bible in Russian, or would like to order a copy, please write to this address:...
David and Naomi
Prayer Letter: August 2017
Dear Praying Friends and Family, Thank you for your prayers for us in the last month and your support. We appreciate every one of you and...