Prayer Letter: August 2017
Dear Praying Friends and Family,
Thank you for your prayers for us in the last month and your support. We appreciate every one of you and your prayers for salvation of souls and spiritual growth for Ukrainians. Our witness is not limited to Ukrainians, as we’ve been able to give tracts and witness to Polish people, Georgians, Armenians, Russians, Germans, Chinese, Belorussians, and some from Arab and African countries. The Lord has given an open door in Ukraine and allowed freedom for the Gospel to the many people who travel through here for work or to visit. Ukraine just commemorated its 25th year of independence on August 24th. We’re thankful for the open doors in this country and the continued freedom to do what we do for the Lord.
One advantage to Ukraine is its strategic location for the distribution of Bibles and material to the former Soviet Union. We’ve been active sending out King James Russian Bibles to Russian speakers not only in this regional sphere, but around the world. People are becoming aware of the recent publication and are placing orders from many different locations. It’s estimated that the Russian diaspora, people speaking Russian from outside the former Soviet Union, is close to 30 million people, out of at least 260 million total speakers worldwide. The Russian language is the second most used language on the internet, the seventh most spoken language in the world, and still an influential language in the 15 republics of the former Soviet Union. We’ve been able to send Russian Bibles to at least 10 different countries so far, as well as local book distributers in Ukraine. Pray for this ministry, a final push in these last days for people in this part of the world.
We’ve been getting back to the usual activities here of passing out tracts and church ministries. Pray for our small group of college-aged young people at church, and for the group that comes with us in street work. Please remember us in prayer for the next month. We are praying about riding with a few local Ukrainian men for a short preaching tour in a few cities. These men have already been out for several weeks witnessing and winning their own people to the Lord. We may be able to accompany them for a few days and hit a few cities around the country, Lord willing with Russian King James Bibles and tracts for handing out to those we meet. Pray for safety on the roads and for souls to be saved. Thank you again for praying for us and remembering the people here in Ukraine. May the Lord bless you.
David and Naomi Lohman