Prayer Letter: May 2018
Dear Praying Friends and Family,
Thank you for your prayers in the last month for us. We began going door-to-door in a small village outside of town. It’s a short drive from the church, so our prayer is that souls will be saved and people will come to the church. We plan to go to this town to pass out invitations for the youth camp in July as well, so keep us in your prayers regarding this area. There are several other small villages outside of town. Although they are close to the big city, they are small and have houses with land instead of high-rise apartments. Although every house has a high wall around it, we are able to drop a tract and invitation in the mailbox, and we frequently meet people as they walk down the street. It’s a good chance to spend some time talking to individuals, as opposed to giving them a tract or preaching as they walk by. I got to talk to a few people; an older man, a guy about my age, and some kids on bikes. Almost everyone in the smaller villages take tracts, and the church is close enough for them, and is actually on the main road to Kyiv, so not hard for them to find.
A highlight of the month was the UEFA soccer tournament game between Liverpool and Madrid, held in downtown Kyiv. This was a perfect opportunity to get the Gospel out, as thousands of fans came from England, thousands more from Spain, and large numbers of Ukrainian fans who wanted to be part of the action. Although they all came for the purposes of entertainment, many of them got to hear preaching from the King James Bible, see signs that said “Where will you spend eternity?” and take Gospel tracts. There were fan events throughout the week leading up to the Saturday game, so we spent Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday downtown, and Saturday we walked from downtown to the stadium. Another missionary named Sasha and his son Maxim came on Saturday to help us out, so we had a group of nine on the street. We were able to get out several thousand tracts in English called Superstar, with a soccer theme, and a large number of tracts in Russian called Jesus Christ our Saviour.
Continue to pray for those who receive literature and Bibles. We recently received orders for Bibles from several locations around Ukraine, and an order for Bible material and Bibles in Odessa. We had another order from Ireland, where a small group of immigrants hold a Bible study in Russian. They made an order last year, and recently ordered some more Bibles. Regarding feedback, many people are very happy reading the text of the Russian KJV. Of course, many people order it and see it as just another translation to add to their Bible collection, but there are many who receive it as it is, superior to the Synodal Bible, pointing word-for-word as much as the language allows exactly as it stands in the King James. Pray for those who desire a faithful translation of the King James Bible in the Russian language as well as the spiritual growth of those who order literature.
Remember us in prayer as we continue door-to-door and prepare for the camp and Institute in July. Thank you for continuing in your prayers, friendship, and fellowship.
Until His return, David and Naomi Lohman