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Prayer Letter: January 2018

Dear Praying Friends and Family,

Thank you for praying for us in the last year. We appreciate your prayers and support, and look forward to what the Lord has for us this year. We pray most of all for His swift return, but wish that you have a fruitful year in as much time as we have left.

Thank you for praying for our Bible institute and revival earlier this month. We had good teaching and preaching for the week, as well as witnessing and street preaching in the evenings. On Saturday evening, we went downtown to street preach, and got the opportunity to talk to many people. A lot of the men who came out got to put into practice what they learned in the classroom, and exercise the practical side of the ministry. Anton, the young man who I mentioned in previous letters, got to come up for the institute week, and tried street preaching for the first time! He was nervous at first, but got boldness as he read out verses and gave the plan of salvation to people walking by. He is excited about getting out again and being an active and public witness. Pray for him, as he is hoping to return and possibly stay in this area and join the church.

If you would like to watch the videos from Bible institute, let me know through e-mail. Our two guest speakers did presentations on church history and the subversive actions of the Catholic church against the Reformation and the Bibles published as a result of the liberty that resulted. It’s a subject that is not limited to the 1500-1600’s, but is a necessary topic for today as well. They spoke in English with a translator, and they are available on the church YouTube channel for any who would like to view them.

We are encouraged by Bible believers from around the country who are learning the Bible, how to rightly divide, what proper music is, and how to actively witness for the Lord Jesus Christ. We recently got a call from Russia, from a man we had sent a Bible to. He was excited about receiving it and is trying to learn more of the Scriptures. These calls are not uncommon, but it’s exciting to find out where people are from and how the Lord is working in their lives.

Please pray for our upcoming month here. Lord willing, we will be focusing on some smaller neighborhoods and villages within a short drive from the church, to witness and invite people to church. We’ve seen the Lord work in the lives of some of our church neighbors and had some new visitors from the area in the last few weeks. Pray for salvation of souls and for our church members here. We appreciate all you do for us and the people here. May the Lord bless you.

Until His return,

David and Naomi Lohman

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