Prayer Letter: July 2017
Dear Praying Friends and Family,
Thank you for your prayers for us in the last month. We pray that you are all doing well and serving our Lord faithfully. Our time of Bible Institute went well in early July. We had over 20 preachers come out for classes and preaching, and it was another good week of fellowship and strengthening. We are already looking forward to and making plans for winter institute.
We are happy to announce the publication of the Russian translation of the King James Bible, which is already getting into the hands of Russian-speakers around the world. We’ve had orders and inquiries from around the world, not only in countries of the former Soviet Union. The widely accepted Russian Bible, the Synodal, differs from the King James text in thousands of places, which has now been corrected in a word-for-word translation from English into Russian. Our prayer is that Russian-speaking people will be grounded in truth and doctrine from this publication. Let us know if you are aware of anyone who would like a copy of the Bible in Russian.
We were able to visit Wittenberg, Germany for a weeklong Bible conference commemorating the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. It was an encouraging time to meet believers from around Europe, as well as from India, and America. We were able to see where Martin Luther lived and translated the New Testament into German. For us, it has given us a boost to continue serving in Ukraine, passing out tracts and getting the Bibles to people.
I got to witness for about an hour and a half to a Muslim man named Mupin, age 23. He had traveled to Germany from Tajikistan and spoke Russian fluently. He was attracted to the structure and morality of Islam, but unfortunately was not willing to leave his religion to receive Jesus Christ. He was interested in what the Bible says, however, so we looked at many places in the Scriptures that answered his questions. I was able to give him a Russian Bible and a tract about salvation and eternal security. He had a friend who he said was interested in the Bible, so he told me that he would read the Bible and pass it on to him when he arrives from Tajikistan. Some locals told me that Muslims are often more open to the Gospel than native Europeans.
Again, thank you for praying for us and supporting us in the last month. We appreciate all that you do for us and the Ukrainian people. Pray for those who have received tracts and Bibles, and those we’ve given the Gospel to; for souls to be saved and lives changed through Jesus Christ.
Love in Christ,
David and Naomi Lohman