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Prayer Letter: January 2017

Dear Praying Friends and Family,

Thank you again for praying for us and the people in Ukraine. We have had a good month, and are thankful for the prayers and support that keep us going for the Lord. We are looking forward to this year and the doors that the Lord has for us. We pray that you all are well and are continuing in prayer and thanksgiving, serving God where He has you.

We had a very good week of Bible institute and revival in the first week of January. People came from both Eastern and Western Ukraine to receive

instruction and to teach. The classes were on soul-winning, verse-by-verse books of the Bible, and how the standard Russian Bible differs from the King James Bible. In the evening, we passed out tracts and then had an evening service with preaching and singing. It was a good time of fellowship for us and other Bible-believers around the country. Everyone is looking forward to the next institute in the summer, if the Lord wills and doesn’t return by then.

We have continued to pass out tracts and witness to people that we meet. We received hundreds of devotional calendars in book format, which we have passed out over the last few months. Many people were happy to take them. Each day of the month has a short exposition of a verse, and is good for both saved and lost. In each book, we placed a tract about salvation. Hundreds of those have gone out, as well as the usual tracts and invitations that we pass out. We pray that souls will be saved as a result of these efforts. I was able to deal with a guy named Slavik on the street who was having doubts about his salvation. It is not an uncommon problem among those we talk to. We went over a few verses about knowing that you have eternal life, the safety and security that we have in Christ.

Please remember my grandmother and Dad’s side of the family in prayer. We received news that my Grandfather passed away after his health went downhill in the last week. He was saved and worked faithfully for years repairing buses for bus ministries. He and I were in a car accident in 2005 that I expected him not to make it through, but the Lord gave him twelve more years with us. We are thankful for his testimony and the years we had with him.

Thank you again for your support and prayers. You are a blessing to us and many others.

Love in Christ,

David and Naomi Lohman

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